Facebook gets a day more than 4 million mobile users

1:23 AM Edited by Blony

. In what represents a fabulous growth, Facebook and receive 4 million unique mobile visitors per day. Facebook for iPhone gets about 1.64 million daily active users, Facebook for BlackBerry receives 1.56 million active users daily, and the standard of Facebook mobile application receives almost 1 million daily active users daily.

Besides already reported that Facebook has 25 million mobile users.

As mentioned in the note FierceMobile not measuring mobile revenues from Palm or other small custom Facebook applications, so clearly the 4 million may be many more. As it had for the Palm keynote at CES 2009, its 25 million mobile users are much more active than the other 130 million users of social networks, something interesting to learn usage habits.

This growth is due to several issues, as an example of customization is worth remembering that, in addition to m.facebook.com, now there x.facebook.com, an expanded site with privileged access to smartphones with extra capacity, with application to download and other details. Let us also remember that thanks to the mobile, and language, Facebook has grown 2,000% in Argentina in 2008.