New Mozilla Add-on Challenge can get you a free Nokia N900

7:29 PM Edited by Blony

Mozilla has recently announced a new contest, called the Mobile Add-on Developer Challenge, through which it will offer 10 free Nokia N900 smartphones.

What you need to do is develop a Mozilla Firefox add-on for mobile and send it to Mozilla (or you can participate with an already-developed add-on).

The contest is open until December 7, 2009. A team of Mozilla judges will then select 10 add-ons that should “best represent user experience and innovation on Firefox for mobile devices.”

Sure enough, this contest won’t help regular mobile users (who can’t develop apps and add-ons), but there will surely be many devs out there happy to know that they can get a free Nokia N900.

More info about the Mozilla Add-on Challenge can be found here, while the Contest Rules are here. Note that, for one reason or another, the contest is void in Province of Quebec (Canada), Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Union of Myanmar, as well as “where prohibited by law”.

Via Mozilla