"Save the phone, save the world." Nokia announces new to Ovi Store. Multimedia content coming from Tim Kring!
9:19 AM Edited by Blony

Many of our readers (myself included) will probably know and appreciate the television series Heroes. If this is the case, you can not but be glad of the news just issued by Nokia, which at the end of May - beginning of summer, will make available on its Ovi Store the contents of the new series that Tim Kring, creator of Heroes, is planning , who has been given the codename TEVA.
Little is known of the series, beyond the logo published in this post and the fact that
"It will be an experiment with multi-narrative elements of individual action and group participation."
Personally I can appreciate the decision of Nokia to extend its store also contained a different software, such as those represented by the number of Kring. About Ovi Store, in addition, the Finnish manufacturer would point out that already have thousands of content providers and developers who have begun to send their products in anticipation of the launch in May.
As usual, we await your fingers crossed ... patients ... and wait;)
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