It may interact with the widgets on the home of Android 1.5

9:53 AM Edited by Blony

Since the Android Developers blog (if they come to know the technical details) are proudly displaying some of the things developers can do with the new Android 1.5 SDK that was released a couple of weeks ago and also brings some changes the interface.

One of the most interesting features that brings this SDK is AppWidget framework that allows developers to write widgets that users can put on the main screen and interact with them. Thus, these widgets can provide some information about the application such as upcoming events in the heat or the details of any song that is playing in background.

So when a widget is in the main screen has space to display the content that gives real-time application and, better yet, users can interact from home via the widget either putting a pause a song or changing topic, to say an example. If you have any background in active service until you can choose how often updates the information in the widget of the home.

Without doubt the feature that are examples sobran I imagine it will be useful not only to manage the music playback, but also to see the email notifications, weather, and why not the status of different social networks - and Twitter! :) -. You will also be very useful to avoid having to enter all the time to different applications and that we can bring home the most used information in real time and whether we need to enter each one we do from the homepage.

The photo shows the widget Wiktionary "Word of the day" they created to give an example to developers, which displays a word a day and can see it in the home.