HTC Hero's Android 2.1 ROM hacked onto Droid with all sorts of busted
5:46 AM Edited by Blony
We don't really recommend trying this yourself if you like "using" your Droid for performing "tasks," but if you're the 1337 type or you're just looking for a quick, easy, and fun way to brick a perfectly good Eclair device, you might want to take a look at this ported ROM that's just hit the streets. What we're looking at here is an early, half-baked conversion of that leaked Hero ROM with Sense and Android 2.1, apparently with functional messaging and calling (whew) but without a working WiFi stack. If nothing else, this is a good start for the community; hopefully we'll see something a little more solid soon that can actually be used day to day without an iron will and a brass pair.
Via AllDroid
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