O2 Readying Giffgaff, a MVNO With a Unique Twist
2:05 AM Edited by Blony

MVNOs have had a very difficult time staying afloat recently, and it takes a lot of guts (read: risk) for a mobile carrier to start a new one up during this time of economic troubles. O2 is willing to take that risk with a new MVNO called Gifgaff, ready to launch before Christmas.
Giffgaff’s unique twist on the MVNO concept is that customers will be encouraged to get directly involved in the business and be rewarded with various perks.
The service is a SIM-only service that gives customers cheaper calls if they refer friends and family, write blogs about it, and regularly post on its online forum.
Customers who are actively involved will be given rebates twice a year and they will be given a few options on what to do with it: they will be able to use it for mobile calls and texts, take it as cash or even make a charitable donation.
It’s a new concept that combines customer perks with a heck of a lot of good publicity, but is it good enough to work? Giffgaff won’t have to spend as much on marketing, no doubt. But we will just have to see how things look at Christmas time.
Feel free to keep posted on updates by going to Giffgaff’s main website.
via MobileNewsCWP
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