Wolfram|Alpha now has an iPhone portal
7:12 PM Edited by Blony
The knowledge engine at the heart of the recently launched Wolfram|Alpha site can answer queries that would baffle traditional search engines. It can make amazing comparisons, perform linguistic searches, and provides a way to do calculations that are impossible elsewhere other than in a copy of Mathematica.
Now there's a mobile Web portal for Wolfram|Alpha that is designed for viewing on either an iPhone or iPod touch. Point Safari on your mobile device to http://www.wolframalpha.com/iphone, and you can compute queries as well as test most of the functionality of the Wolfram|Alpha engine. You'll need to set a bookmark icon on your home screen to go back to the page (just press the + icon at the bottom of the Safari screen).
Wolfram is also asking for input on what people would like to see in future versions of mobile websites or apps. You can join the conversation here.
Are any TUAW readers eagerly waiting for Mathematica Mobile to be released for the iPhone platform?
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