Places Directly: Google decides to save the lost rangers
10:24 AM Edited by Blony
While most of us who travel extensively already know a thousand different ways to find what’s around you when stuck in a rutt; a mobile phone application for that developed by Google is always as desirable as anything absolutely unwillingly new! What the Google geniuses have now developed is the Places Directly service, which allows you to locate everything from bars to medical stories, to ATMs, all on the Android.
Click on any one of the thumbnails and it will take you to a page with an overview of the place, including its address and phone number. Not just that it will also give you a tried and tested review by people who have actually gone ahead and rated the place. Pretty cool I’d say.
Would work great I guess when I am lost in some remote city, when I go on a self-indulgence trip to some god forsaken city somewhere!
Via Techfever
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