Palm Pres available tonight to invited Premier customers at launch events

1:44 AM Edited by Blony

This won't apply to many of you, but just a little public service announcement to members of Sprint's elite Premier corps: you can get your Pre tonight if you've received an invitation to do so and you're willing to make the trek to one of ten stores around the country where launch parties are being held. Our understanding is that this is strictly an invite-only event and that non-Premier riff raff (and non-Sprint customers) will be turned away, but honestly, if we were in the market for a Pre, we'd probably loiter for a bit just to see what's up and get a gauge on whether they're willing to bend the rules -- particularly if the Pres end up not selling out by the time the night's over. Either way, if you want a Pre this weekend you'll need to leave your basement at some point because the phone won't be sold online initially -- so let us know how it goes out there in the trenches, folks, and we'll do the same. Stay tuned!

via PreCentral