What’s inside the mystery AT&T displays?

12:24 AM Edited by Blony

What is inside the mysterious displays that have been showing up at AT&T retail locations around the country? Well, we don’t know exactly… but we’ve been given a little more information that we thought we would share. According to one of our sources, inside the clandestine display is a small TV and rack where an unknown piece of hardware will sit. Today, managers began receiving metal display boxes with three-digit pad locks on them, the outside of the box reads: “Hero Fixture Launch Kit.” It also reads, “Top Secret: Store Manager Only.” All our source knows about the contents of the mysterious box (pictured above) is that, “it is something brand new that has never been released before.” What do you think it is? Perhaps a BlackBerry Torch 9800? Maybe something else? Drop your hypothesis in the comments.