Seidio's Innocase for the Pre is Touchstone-compatible
6:50 PM Edited by Blony
Say you've got a Pre and a Touchstone. Say, further, that you've got butterfingers -- or maybe you just really can't stand the thought of your glossy beauty being scratched beyond recognition by the occasional encounter with a lint ball in your pocket. Normally, the answer would be a case -- but the Touchstone requires special handling since it needs contact with a non-slip back to stay firmly planted and deliver the wireless juice, so what's a Pre user to do? The answer might just lie with accessory maker Seidio, which has released its $29.95 Innocase complete with the promise of Touchstone compatibility -- no need to remove the phone to do your thing. You still need to have the Touchstone battery cover installed for the solution to work, but since it's all concealed by the case anyway, who cares?
Via jkOnTheRun
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