ChickenBrick Studios to release MMO game for Android
3:48 AM Edited by Blony

ChickenBrick Studios, developers of my favorite Android multiplayer game Cestos, have started taking beta signups for their next work, codenamed ProjectInf. Details are scarce, but it appears to be the first massive multiplayer online game for Android. Cestos was one of the first multiplayer games for Android allowing 2-4 players to compete. ProjectInf will offer massive games with a large number of players and I’m excited to see what gameplay awaits.
This is what we know about the game so far.
* Codenamed ProjectInf
* Real-Time Networked Play
* Massive size games
* Long-term games (join and leave as much as you like, the war will keep raging!)
* Multiple types of units to choose from
* Social aspects
* Team based as well as individual gameplay
* Tons of replayability
If you would like an early look at the game, you can submit an application to become a beta tester. Just visit their site and fill out the form. Invitations should start going out this weekend. Be warned the game is in its early graphical stages, but that should be changing rapidly over the next two weeks.
Via Android and Me
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