Un'annata fertile for Android, according to estimates Google

8:29 AM Edited by Blony

Everyone pulls the water to his mill, and sometimes rightly so. Google, during a conference with its investors, has provided this in 2009 by a boom of its Android platform, implemented in different mobile devices.

In fact, come the first semi-official news reported by the CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, about the future implementation of the operating system Android also on Netbook. Therefore, analysts Big G have provided very fertile un'annata OS made by Google.

Indeed, the penetration of the operating system, could take place both in mobile terminals with different models of Dream and Magic, both in the computer with the implementation on an adapted version of the Intel Atom architecture, for example. Beyond the official forecasts, it is certain that the spread in the mobile is still a long way here in Italy, until no new models with competitive prices and different design, Google will take the road uphill.