More interactive games for N-Gage: control accelerometer

6:50 AM Edited by Blony

Anticipazioni Short Symbian Software Series 60
Finally, even the players of mobile Nokia N-Gage, will benefit from the latest technologies which are now equipped with the new consoles. Talking about the control of the game via motion sensor, called accelerometer.

And was even now, as the first device of the Finnish house, equipped with this technology, it was the Nokia N95, released before the iPhone. However, even if embarrassing delay, the N-Gage games will benefit from this innovative technology.

The first game is Bounce Boing Voyage, before leaving this spring. For those who have already bought, there will be a free update. Games of this kind have already made the fortune of devices such as iPhone and iPod touch, N-Gage will be able to compete with these?