Clausula a contract that puts in crisis Developers iPhone / iPod touch
6:32 AM Edited by Blony

Not everything is gold that glitters, el'App Apple Store is not 'the exception. Fin since it is considered an excellent source of business for individual developers and small / medium / large companies offering their software.
However, it has great limitations and rigid rules. Maybe even for the young ages, these defects have not yet weighed on users. Few know that the company collects the beauty of 30% on final price of software sold through its own channels, in addition, for each update, the developer also comes to wait months before the new version of its program is available on the App Store .
These rigid rules, you add a new clause on the contract developer-Apple, which provides that in case of withdrawal by the user, (this is also the case that he asked Apple to a refund for an application) the company will charge the developer the amount in full, keeping the committee on the sale.
This note, according to rumors, has been added recently in light of upcoming features on firmware 3.0 expected for the known mobile devices and iPhone iPod touch. For a quick overview of the contract (in English), please post in TechCrunch.
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