Nokia E55 the thinnest of eSeries

5:03 AM Edited by Blony

. Nokia introduced the Nokia E55 that was pretty well hidden under the sleeve and supplementing eSeries corporate family as the thinnest in the world and that surprising given the first detail ... has SureType keyboard, popularized by the Pearl Blackberrry

What else has the team? Basically the OS is moving to eSeries, S60 3rd Edition with support for Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes (not uncommon Balckberry Connect say nothing and hope that does not put aside ... or did not learn with the E71?), Camera 3.2mpx of which is the new standard through the top of 2mpx although this type of equipment does not seem relevant or ...

In services, are driving with a license OVIs free for 3 months on ovi Files and Nokia Maps with voice navigation, and promoted as a battery of 28 days in stand-by and 19 in normal use ... something that although not 100% real, and one begins to wonder if not using a lot of Nokia.

Ultimately, this will be the new team chosen by executives who do not need to type extensively, but they need to be aware of everything .... and will compete primarily on design and comfort;)